Welcome to the web page of my research group
I am a geochemist and my research interests center around trace elements and geochemical processes. I study in particular geochemical cycles and chemical processes in solution and at interfaces. I employ an integrative and multi disciplinary approach, combining fieldwork, laboratory experiments and modelling across temporal and spatial scales.
The work we do is relevant to scientific and societal challenges, with current focus on water treatment, micronutrient deficiencies, pollution and climate change and proxy development. We address fundamental and applied problems with the aim to elucidate mechanistic principles and develop predictive models.
We are strongly engaged in developing engineering solutions, chemical and isotope analysis techniques and methods and software. Find here more details and information regarding research areas and current and past projects.
To date, contributions of my group have lead to an improved understanding of lead as environmental contaminant (see Resongle et al., 2021) and of past and present atmospheric transport and deposition of mineral dust and trace metals (see Ferrat et al., 2012). We pioneered work into the non traditional role of siderophores in trace element cycling (see Northover et al., 2022) and we contributed to the development of multifunctional and selective sorbents for contaminant removal (Heiba et al., 2024; Seges et al., 2023). Finally, we have been at the fore front of the development of multi collector plasma source mass spectrometry and the field of non-traditional stable isotope geochemistry (e.g., see Weiss et al., 2021). Large international collaborations led to the development of novel pH sensors and significantly contributed to the our understanding of ocean trace metal cycles.
I am very interested in translational activities and in developing novel teaching and delivery approaches.